Saturday, March 26, 2011

The concept of a minimalist home style model homes

The concept of a minimalist home style in the design of model homes to this day still enjoy doing a community. This proved to still use the concept of a minimalist style house in some residential and even, in some buildings, the minimalist concept be applied to modify the model of old buildings. But the concept of minimalism is not stagnant. At least that when considering the houses around you.

One concept the development of a minimalist model is the application of a minimalist green. This concept may be in the word born out of style modern house with community awareness of the environment. Finally, the green concept is affecting contemporary minimalist style. Figure minimalist home is not only survive on the design of buildings, look at the changes in models of furniture or home interior.

The substantive minimalism is a form of selection decisions in the design of buildings due to cultural intervention as a way of thinking, activity and lifestyle. Minimalist well as an outlook that reflects the lifestyle of today's society that tends to quick, practical, efficient, and effective in various fields. Minimalist architecture is an expression of contemporary urban society through a competitive way of living an honest, practical and simple in total.

The concept of a minimalist home style in architecture is an aesthetic approach that emphasizes things that are essential and functional in both the spatial aesthetics. The purpose of spatially specific spaces are arranged in such a way as to have a high level of flexibility in ketersusunan and convenience functions. The principle is the more simple, the quality of a design, function space, and the completion of the structure of the system will get better.

While the characteristics of minimalist architecture concept is a straight line with a flat field, and meeting elbow perpendicular field, construction and spin-mass metric volume, honesty of materials, processing of light and air, looping module, circulation compact, multifunctional and sequential space and clarity of the system structures. How does the concept of a minimalist style of the house above the line with your thoughts.

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